United Ambassadors
MUN Youth Assembly (MUN-YA)
United Nations Headquarters in New York, 22-25 August 2017
Meet the General Assembly Officials!
Voting is now open.
Candidates for President of the General Assembly/ Committee Chair

Andreea Lavinia Turcu - Vice President of the General Assembly.
Hello! My name is Andrea Lavina Turcu and I am applying as a General Assembly Official of the MUN 2017 Youth Assembly. Having experienced the benefits and achievements that the MUN world can bring to one, my enthusiasm for the MUN Youth Assembly comes from its unique nature that manages to bring together worldwide MUNers to discuss and debate current challenges and most important in order to come up with solutions. The impact that such an experience can have on the world is limitless, as each and any one of us can pass on the knowledge and implement through academic activities the final resolution. Changing the world becomes achievable and rests on each delegate part of this pioneering conference. My motivation for being part of this experience and apply for this position is given by my strong belief that changing the world begins with us, the youth. In our quality as the leaders of tomorrow, we must take the chance and lead the efforts towards changing what must be changed, improving what can be improved and preserving what must be preserved. Keeping up with the world's fast pace is no easy task but we, through experiences as this one, have a chance of achieving things that will stand the test of time and benefit generations. I am a strong believer in the power and benefits of non-formal education' and driven by a thirst for knowledge, desire to explore, and passion for the field of International Relations. I have participated in multiple international conferences and been part of the organizing team of several international conferences. Few of these are The 8th Economic Forum of Young Leaders 2013; Brussels European Forum 2016, Model European Union Strasbourg 2016; organizer of the Bucharest Security Conference 2017 - A Changing Security Environment: New Threats, New Solutions; Strategikon Good Governance Summit 2017, and Bucharest Forum 2016-A Fulcrum of Strategic Change. Ensuring Stability, Building Resilience, Harnessing Opportunity. Her interest in the field of security studies and international organizations lead me to successfully complete an internship at NATO Council of Canada in 2014. I was also a Delegate at the MUN 2016 Youth Assembly. Ambition, determination, enthusiasm and pragmatic solutions are some of the ingredients I would add to this year's edition of the MUN Youth Assembly by United Ambassadors. I believe that the key to a successful resolution lays in involving as many delegates as possible in the process, taking into account the multiple and diverse points of view while staying focused on our objective-the link between Education, Youth Development, and the United Nations 2030 Agenda. I am confident in the contribution that I can bring in the quality PGA/Chair.

Mohamed Limame Malainie - Chair of the MUN Youth Assembly First Committee - SDG Advocacy
Distinguished Delegates, Allow me to introduce myself; I am Mohamed Limame Malainine, motivated student graduated in International Cultural Studies and Media at the University of Mohamed 5 in Rabat, Morocco, I appreciate this opportunity to introduce myself to you to President of the General Assembly/ Committee Chair position with my field long experience with Model United Nations and the real UN offices in Morocco as I experienced all facets of MUN; starting from 2013 I was a formal delegate then co-chair, chair, secretary general and project manager. All that made me go on this and start Morocco MUN is a passion to the concept and the will to empower the Moroccan youth and open a new door for them. My Model UN Journey started in 2013 and has included 18 Conference Experiences that included multiple Delegate experiences, in which I was granted numerous awards, and ended with the role of Secretary-General of UIRMUN. Model United Nations Morocco is an initiative that I wanted to implement the culture of Model UN through it and I ended up with beautiful numbers to share: with 10 Passionate Team Groups , We Enhanced diplomatic and leadership skills of: + 600 Young National and International Diplomats and we delivered Diplomatic Coaching of: + 40 Chairs, Co-Chairs & Coordinators. The numbers I shared aren't only numbers they are voices I promised I will take as far as possible I promised to represent them the best way possible and by your vote, you are simply giving them the chance to get one step up.
Candidates for President of the General Assembly/ Committee Chair

Fatima Zehra - Chair of the Youth Assembly Second Committee - Female Empowerment
Dear Delegates, I am Fatima Zehra, a Design Manager who basically started off as an Architect living in another city that never sleeps, Lahore Pakistan. I believe I jumped off from a day dreaming designer to a character that stresses about the perfection of every aspect of design, drama and the people that build up an organization all due to years of fighting for the rights of people, for the reforms of the institutions and societies on none other than the platform called Model UNs. Because I feel more aware of the responsibility that knowledge adds on to your shoulder. You cannot hide from being in a position where you can make a change, improve the lives of people around you or as small as enhancing the atmosphere for even ten people working for you. For the benefit of your liking my profile, I would gladly introduce that my years on this stage will be a decade in the next three years. I started off with shaky legs and cracked speech in one of my country's biggest MUN conference where I believed I failed miserably, but it was just the beginning and it has now led to around dozens of national and international participations and adjudications leading it to this moment today when I wish to be a member of your secretariat hoping to bring my experience forward to share with you all. To be in the UN Headquarter is mesmerizing in itself, but to talk about the reforms and improvements of this platform that has led us all together on this one stage where real diplomats have made the biggest changes in lives of people all around is thrilling. And considering myself as a representative of nation that is still in developing stages and has somehow forgotten the true essence of UN and Model UNs, I wish to bring forward all these concerns to the minds and thinking of delegates of the “Committee 6 - MUN Reform: Model United Nations and Accurate Reflections of the United Nations.” With my experience of chairing people of different age groups, first timers and experienced Munners I am acquainted to their issues and can guide them in the right direction.

Madhyasta Budi Pradhana - Chair of the Youth Assembly Third Committee - Global Citizenship.
My name is Madhyasta Budi Pradhana from Indonesia. I am an undergraduate student at the University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, I study at Food Science and Technology Major. I live in the City of Malang, Indonesia. I am applying to the position of the Chair of a Committee. I have participated in 5 conferences, that I am excited to be part of the event because I have previous experience with other United Ambassador event such as UA-MUNC at Geneva, Switzerland on May 2017. With this event, I will meet all various delegate from various countries and MUN Organization around the world. This gave me an opportunity to discuss critical issues, create friendships and positive relationships with other delegates from around the world. Through my experiences at 5 previous conferences that I have attended, I learned the importance of decision making, agreement with each other, creating compromise for the greater good, undergone deep discussion in order to achieve consensus, creating a good and engaging debate in order for increasing the understanding of the certain issue. With this experience, I want to contribute more to the next level as a Chair for moderating or a good guidance for the committee. because by becoming a chair of the committee I will become more objective and unbiased toward a certain issue, I also will become fair toward fellow delegates. From experience, I know the importance of Tolerance and interfaith dialogue through World Tolerance Conference 2017 at Purwakarta. I also learn about unifying youth leaders and cooperation through SEALS 2016 at Bandung, Indonesia (South East Asian Leader Summits) about the ASEAN Youth Value and implementing Youth SDGs Goal. I learned about the importance of consensus, decision making, discussion and diplomacy through Model United Nation at Kuala Lumpur and in addition learning about UN4MUN procedure on how the real United Nations functions at the New York and Geneva UN Offices as I was a delegate at UA-MUNC 2017. I am passionate and determined for achieving the committee goal on creating consensus at the end of the conference.

Kal Kiswani - Chair of the Youth Assembly Fourth Committee - Climate Change.
Greetings my fellow MUN delegates. My name is KAL KISWANI, I attend grade 9 at North Toronto Collegiate Institute in Toronto, Canada. I am honored to be running for the position of Committee Chair at the MUN 2017 Youth Assembly by United Ambassadors. I have previously participated in Model Parliaments and Debate Clubs in Canada. This is my first MUN Assembly of this kind, and I have come prepared to contribute ideas and to share resources because together we can find realistic, pragmatic solutions to issues of common interest. You will find me to be responsible and hard working.I believe a Chair is a person who listens to different view points and is able to take decisions based on a deep study and understanding of a problem. I believe I qualify to be Chair for my good communication skills with others coupled with my drive to present a good argument based on a positive sense of understanding. In addition, my respect for others and sense of humor always give strive to my endeavors. I am open to new ideas and always with a positive outlook. Be sure that I will be there to help with humility and humor. I very much look forward to working with you, and hope to have your vote.

Sayed Muhammed Bin Nashid - Chair of the MUN-YA Fifth Committee - MUN for Youth Development
Let me introduce myself, I'm Sayed Muhammed Bin Nashid from Kerala, India. Right now I'm pursuing my graduation in Law from one Government Law College, Trivandrum. I worked as a Climate Action Coordinator for the Conference of Parties (CoP+22) UN Action Programme through the center for United Nations, Mumbai and an online Volunteer at United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in India. I have been the Campus Ambassador and Leader for some of the prestigious programs and firms which include World Humanitarian Summit (WHS+23), MY Parliament, Young India Fellowship (YIF). I did the first TEDx Talk at TEDxBVCOE. My passion is to interact and people around him identify him as being one of the most interactive people they know. MUNs have played a major role in his life, and he feels they have added many benefits to his student life and career. “Model United Nation (MUN) Conferences changed my life, can you believe it? It’s a fact!”. I have been doing MUNs for 3 years and has attended over 50 MUN conferences as a Delegate and an Executive Board Member. Right now I'm the director of Global Model United Nations (GMUN) Kerala Chapter, and also has a non-profit youth organization 'Change Your Attitude', which has given me exposure as a Motivational Speaker and Personality Development Trainer. My idea of MUN goes – “MUN is an evolved form of the interactive-medium that bring out the best researcher, speaker, debater, lobbyist and problem solver through brilliant diplomatic negotiations.” To become a part of the United Ambassadors MUN Youth Assembly at the UN Headquarters, 2017 will help me to achieve one of my MUN goals. Why am I excited to attend the United Ambassadors MUN Youth Assembly, then? It’s due to three reasons: Delegates coming for a United Ambassadors MUN Youth Assembly will thoroughly follow the basic quality of an MUNer that is the ‘Research’. So being a delegate in such a committee of researched Delegates will develop my research and knowledge perspective. I believe that United Ambassadors MUN Youth Assembly is not only "casual fun" but also “Serious-Diplomatic” fun for the delegates to debate, discuss and deliberate, previous delegates at various MUNs at UN Headquarters quote so. Moreover, I strongly believe that United Ambassadors MUN Youth Assembly will be a platform for me to meet people with mutual-passion and interests, which can help me in the long run of life.

Helen Chen - Chair of the MUN-YA Sixth Committee - MUN and Accurate Simulations of the UN.
Hi everyone! My name is Helen Chen, I'm a high school student from Canada, my school is Marc Garneau CI, and I'm running to be your chair for this sunmer's conference. Often times, youth voices are unheard when it comes to global ideas, as we can be seen as unwary or unable, but it's often these ideas which can change how adults perceive a certain issue or find a way to tackle a social problem. Youth are central to solving the SDG's, and what we need to provide for more high achieving students, be high school, middle school, or university students, is the opportunity and chance to voice their opinions and share their best practices to achieving the SDG's in order for long-term benefits. I am part of my school's MUN club, I've attended two MUN conferences, and I have been to two conferences at the United Nations this year, one being the Commission on the Status of Women Youth Forum and the other being President of General Assembly High Level Event on Education. I will be a very valuable member, as having experience as an advocate for the SDGs, where I'm the president of Sustainable Youth Canada, Toronto Coalition of Ecoschools, one of the founding members of the 3% Project which aims to empower 1 million youth in Canada to solve climate change, youth ambassador to Canada for the Global Ambassadors Program, and I travelled to Ecuador this year to further my interest on sustainability, education, gender equality, and the indigenous populations, I truly understand the importance of integration of the SDGs to MUN for a better representation of the UN. All the work done by the UN is directly or indirectly related to the SDGs, and it's this connection students make, that will help them really understand the UN better, themselves, and why MUN really matters. I was the chair for the Research in Science Exhibition for over 100 students in the province for two years, and I have a lot of experience working with different groups, and I'd absolutely love to work with people as incredible as each of you!