Success story from Jordan - MUN 2016 Assembly UN HQ NYC - Laith Saleh
I'm Laith Saleh coming from the Middle East, a region torn by political polarization, I have great respect and support for youth led movements from around the globe which aim to educate the youth and benefit humanity. Being a Jordanian citizen I’m thankful that I come from a country where these movements are celebrated and upheld to the highest standards. With 5 MUN conferences participated in 3 different universities in Jordan so far, recent graduate from Princess Sumaya University for technology from princess university for technology (PSUT) also it was honor to representing PSUT, assigned in committee B to discuss the gender equality, peace, partnership.

The greatest experience i got in my life for now its and its my first international participation and I realized many thing didn't observe before several topics and issues how important it is, gained more aspects and deferent ideas, whereas the topics in general need more time to discuss but we did it and made a huge work within 2 days, I'm thankful for such experience and excited for the next assembly.
I'm honored to give a speech on behalf my club and i believe also on behalf my country Jordan because I'm the only one who make it to MUN4UN, it was great to send a messages for everyone how we really need mor efforts to make the youth whom their voices still low without any observing, we need to mobilize our efforts because we are a huge part for the future, also recognizes that youth can play a positive role as vessels of change who can and are mobilizing their efforts and raising their voices to refuse wars and to promote world peace, not disregarding the few who belong to various extremist mindsets from various ideological backgrounds who aim disturb these efforts. Whereas I believe we can give them no comfort in achieving what they seek as long as we stick together as part of hope for a promising future.

No doubt the impact on my personalty and believes that made me to raise my efforts to be more supportive and make a real impact on the ground using the huge effectiveness of MUN on our communities and how MUN enrichment the diplomacy skills, leadership, Liston to others and achieve a marvelous awareness on your self and on other also on the community. We are a group of Jordanian youth initiate a foundation to care of MUN philosophy and raise diplomacy awareness in our beloved country and I would like to inform you that we obtained most of the goals and targets for the foundation from the impressive resolution we did it in the UNHQ.