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UA-MUNC Report of General Assembly High-Level Summits on the Rights of Refugees and Migrants

The General Assembly High-Level summits on the Rights of Refugees and Migrants took place under a supervision of Chair Mr. Sereyrath Seng and Secretary Ms. Sofia Kurtsenovskaia.

The discussion in the General Assembly High-Level summits on the Rights of Refugees and Migrants was about strategies to counter the surge of intolerance and xenophobia against refugees and migrants around the globe. Initially, all participating delegates managed to present their statements well. Afterwards in the informal consultations, those participating delegates formed three different political groups such as G77+China, JUSCANZ and EU.

These three political groups consisted of member states represented by the participating delegates as following:

G77+China: India, U.S.A, Italy, China

JUSCANZ: Canada, Germany, Venezuela, Australia

EU: France, Argentina, UK, Uruguay, Spain

With the classification of political groups shown in the table above, three leaders were chosen to represent an interest of the three political groups meaning each group had one leader. With this structure, all participating delegates could start having an informal-informal discussion using the Vienna Formula format. In the process, there were some changes of political group leaders based on levels of relation of a topic being discussed to member state delegate who was the most familiar with the topic. Realistically, there was no disagreement in changing political group leaders simply due to the fact that selecting the next political group leader was done with a consensus of all political group member states. Next, the first line-by-line review was carried out, the resolution consisted of 8 pre-ambulatory paragraphs and 6 operative paragraphs, it was a great success that all participating delegates contributed to the adopted resolution with a consensus and nobody was left behind.

As an outcome of this successfully adopted resolution, important solutions with regard to the rights of refugees and migrants were created including cultural and basic education for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, minimum living standard for asylum seekers and refugees, enhancing resettlement of refugees into states with enough capacity of providing safety, essential needs and government assistance, and finally, economic opportunities for refugees with regard to equal access to job market along with the guarantee policy of anti-discrimination.

As a chair of the General Assembly High-Level summits on the Rights of Refugees and Migrants, I personally enjoyed having the opportunity of leading and guiding the delegates into a direction that would help them reach a collectively productive and friendly understanding. Of course, it comes with high responsibility, but this experience has really added a great value to my life in terms of leading an organization to move forward for a betterment. From the delegates` point of view, they all had fun at the end after working so hard to get a consensus under a difficult circumstance in which they all come from different backgrounds such as country, culture, religion and more importantly, the domestic and international political points of view. Nevertheless, they all proved themselves to be very productive and skillful delegates.

The reasons why All MUNers should try UN4MUN is that first of all, UN4MUN is the UN`s most accurate simulation conference, it offers an equal opportunity for all interested youths regardless of race, culture, and religion. UN4MUN`s agendas are very sophisticated in a way that real problems of the world are addressed and participated delegates can actually have a chance in their lifetime to change their world for the better through their proposed solution. The next year chair/president and delegates should believe in themselves, that they can actually change the world. This fundamental principle will effectively empower them to be more creative in finding solutions to the global major problems. But most importantly, the intention of participation should be for a collective benefit of all global citizens through their solutions rather than just a personal benefit of another MUN experience.

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