Success Story from Germany/France-MUNC Geneva 2017- Yasmine Janah
My name is Yasmine Janah, and I am currently about to graduate from the Technische Universität Dresden in Germany with Master’s in International Relations and International Public Law. Having grown up in Paris, France, my Model United Nations’ journey started in the beginning of the year 2017. Last May, I decided to apply as a single delegate to the United Ambassadors MUN conference, held in Geneva at the very heart of the United Nations Headquarters. Truly passionate about women’s rights, I served as the Delegate of the Republic of China within the Human Rights Council, in which we discussed to the core the empowerment of women, by ending all forms of violence and discrimination against females, and by ensuring the empowerment and advancement of women in global economies and social order.

I would highly recommend this program to others. More than an academic experience, United Ambassadors MUNC inspires and empowers delegates. This conference truly gave me a new set of insights, helped me to develop a genuine interest in diplomacy and leadership in numerous areas, and above all, has firmly strengthened my desire to pursue a career focusing on the fight for the rights of women Since then, I have had the opportunity to participate in five international conferences in France, UK, Germany and Taiwan. Moreover, I currently serve as a member of the club of Taiwan MUN as well as a Ted x NTHU speaker at the National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan, both aiming at bringing students from different background together, by surging women and men to speak out and share their experiences, by building their own talk, sharing ideas with the international community. Aside from that, this conference led me to conduct my Master thesis about women’s political participation in a post-colonialist context and to feature a workshop on raising awareness concerning sexism, gender inequality and women’s empowerment. Thoroughly enjoying these four days of intense negotiation and collaborative debating with ambitious and talented participants from all over the world, fighting for gender equality became a must on the political agenda and the future international legislation, for all of us sitting in the Human Rights Committee room. Indeed, aiming to provide every participant with the best of debates and chairs, United Ambassador MUN has made a tremendous change in who I am. I remember realizing that a myriad of reforms was needed, even more, that political awareness and education regarding gender equality and gender based role expectations were the sine qua non prerequisite to address and implement permanently this major issue on a local, national, and global scale. At the end of the conference, I had the honor of receiving the Diplomacy Award of the UNHRC.[if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]