New York, USA, 29 July - 3 August 2020
Model United Nations Conference (UA-MUNC)
Proudly Introducing:
Committees, Councils, and Topics: UA-MUNC is a pioneering educational Conference offering the world's most accurate, cutting-edge, advanced and fun simulation of the United Nations. Throughout this dynamic simulation of the real UN, delegates will have an unparalleled opportunity to engage in a Model UN setting that accurately mirrors how UN meetings are conducted, all while discussing critical topics that are currently a priority on the real United Nations agenda. The conference will host committees including the General Assembly Committees, the Security Council, the Human Rights Council, the Economic and Social Council's High-Level Political Forum, the Commission on the Status of Women, and a real-life youth-led #MUN_Action Committee on youth advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The conference is designed for forward-thinking, innovative youth leaders, and it is a valuable educational experience for students who wish to learn first-hand how the real United Nations functions, in a one of a kind conference held in New York City, USA.
Venue/ Dates: United Nations Headquarters in New York & the Grand Hyatt Hotel NYC - 29 July - 3 August 2020.
Date breakdown: 29-30 July 2020: UA-MUN Training Workshop in New York co-delivered by United Ambassadors and UN experts.
31 July - 3 August 2020: UA-MUNC New York (Model UN Conference) at the UN Headquarters NYC and/ or the Grand Hyatt Hotel NYC.
Conference Schedule (Preminiary Program of Events):
Note: **Schedule subject to change at any time without prior notice**
28 July 2020 - Day 0: Delegate (Workshop) Registration & Check-In - Grand Hyatt Hotel
15:00 -- 20:00: UA-MUN Workshop Registered Delegates Only - Grand Hyatt Hotel NYC
(Delegates receive name badges, UN Passes, UA-MUN workshop material & conference packets, and submit signed liability waiver)
29 July 2020 - Day 1: UA-MUN Workshop in New York (Registration Required - Venue: Grand Hyatt or UN HQ NYC)
08:00 -- 09:00: Arrive at the workshop venue.
09:00 -- 12:30: Full-day UA-MUN Training Workshop
12:30 -- 13:30: Lunch Break
13:30 – 15:30: Full-day UA-MUN Training Workshop
15:30 -- 16:00: Break
16:00 -- 18:00: Full-day UA-MUN Training Workshop
30 July 2020 - Day 2: UA-MUN Workshop in New York (Registration Required - Venue: Grand Hyatt or UN HQ NYC)
08:00 -- 09:00: Arrive at the workshop venue.
09:00 -- 12:30: Full-day UA-MUN Training Workshop
12:30 -- 13:30: Lunch Break
13:30 – 15:30: Full-day UA-MUN Training Workshop
15:30 -- 16:00: Break
16:00 -- 18:00: Full-day UA-MUN Training Workshop
31 July 2020 - Day 3: Opening Ceremony - United Nations Headquarters in New York (tentative).
08:00 -- 14:00: UA-MUNC Delegate Registration & Check-In - Grand Hyatt Hotel New York
13:00 -- 14:30: Check into the United Nations Headquarters in New York - UN HQ.
13:30 -- 14:30: Optional United Nations Tour (Social Package)
15:00 -- 18:00: Opening Ceremony & Opening Plenary - UN HQ.
20:00 -- 21:00: General Assembly Officials - Training - Grand Hyatt Hotel New York
1 August 2020 - Day 4: Conference Sessions – Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York, Conference Room Level.
09:00 -- 15:00: Late Delegate Registration & Check-In - Grand Hyatt Hotel New York
(Only for conference material. Liability Waivers must be delivered before July 31st.)
09:15 – 10:00: Committee Sessions (Interactive Dialogue).
10:00 – 12:30: Committee Sessions (Formal Meetings)
12:30 -- 13:30: Lunch Break
13:30 – 15:30: Committee Sessions (Informal Meetings)
15:30 -- 16:00: Break
16:00 -- 18:00: Committee Sessions (Formal/ Informal Meetings)
2 August 2020 - Day 5: Conference Sessions – Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York, Conference Room Level.
09:15 – 12:30: Committee Sessions (Formal/ Informal Meetings)
12:30 -- 13:30: Lunch Break
13:30 -- 15:30: Committee Sessions (Formal/ Informal Meetings)
15:30 -- 16:00: Break
16:00 -- 17:50: Committee Sessions (Formal Meeting/ Action Phase)
17:30 -- 18:00: Head Delegate/ Advisor Meeting with Conference Organizers
3 August 3030 - Day 6: Closing Ceremony & Awards – United Nations Headquarters in New York (tentative).
09:00 -- 10:00: Check into the United Nations Headquarters in New York
10:00 – 13:00: Closing Ceremony & Closing Plenary - UN HQ
16:00 – 19:00: Social Package: Social Event (Registration Required)
About the MUN Youth Assembly, UN HQ NYC: This is an original program by United Ambassadors that aims to provide a platform for talented, aspiring MUN leaders to express their views on the changing MUN landscape and how MUN can have an impact on the world. Through the MUN Youth Assembly and the MUN Hall of Fame, we strive to encourage MUNers worldwide to actively work with the United Nations in advocating for the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Global Development. We also strive to encourage the spread of valuable new initiatives in the field, like Multilingual MUN, and UN4MUN, the MUN platform developed by the United Nations that UA-MUNC follows.
Previous Conference: The MUN 2016 Assembly was an original production by United Ambassadors and the first of its kind worldwide. It came 2 weeks before the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly and culminated in the launch of a resolution that encourages young MUN leaders around the world to drive a positive change in their Model UN circuit. It was supported and encouraged by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, The President of the General Assembly, Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, the United Nations Department of Public Information, the SDG Action Campaign and the Office of the UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth.
Early Registration Deadline: February 29th, 2020
Regular Registration Deadline: April 30th, 2020
Note: This conference is organized by United Ambassadors, a global non-profit education organization. Seats are limited. Early registration is advised.
For questions on UA-MUNC New York, please email