Proudly Introducing:

The *MUN Hall of Fame* 2018
This is a global competition for previous or present participants of Model United Nations who have had a positive impact on their peers or the Model UN community. Joining the competition is free, and open to any and all previous or current Model UN participant who meets the eligibility criteria. 10 finalists have their bios published on the website. The top winner is recognized in person at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. United Ambassadors will cover airfare and accommodation for one top winner to receive the certificate award at the closing ceremony of UA-MUNC NYC 2018.
Types of Applications:
We're looking for leaders, change agents, and inspirational success stories.
FINALIST CATEGORIES (Finalists will be selected based on the below categories):
Category 1: International Model UN Organization Founders
Category 2: Model United Nations Conference Directors, Developers or Coordinators.
Category 3: Model United Nations Conference & Youth Association Founders.
Category 4: Exceptional Model United Nations Teachers, Trainers, or Advisers.
Category 5: Outstanding Youth Leaders, MUN Leaders, and Secretaries-General (Main/ Largest Category)
Application Criteria:
Applicant Description/ Qualities:
(You may apply as an individual, nominate an individual, or apply on behalf of your organization, under one of the below criteria):
1. Outstanding Model UN achievements: A successful MUN secretariat/ trainer/ chair/ adviser, who served as a symbol of success and demonstrated strong achievement and work ethic throughout various positions they held.This person’s story is best presented as a nomination from former students or colleagues. This is most likely to apply to category A and B: individual applicants or nominees.
Examples may include:
Secretary-General who had a positive impact on their Model UN conference/ club.
Chair with multiple MUN conference chairing experiences who had a positive impact on delegates.
MUN trainer/ adviser who has proven success through generations of successful students and MUNers they trained.
Inspirational conference/ initiative founder that added value to the Model UN community and contributed to building generations of great MUNers.
A graduate of Model United Nations – who is now a working professional, running a successful venture or pursuing other activities in other fields, especially ones that relate to SDG implementation, societal development or environmental sustainability. (Example: Previous MUNers working in solar energy in international organizations, or in a corporation but still engaging with the company’s corporate social responsibility initiatives.)
2. SDG Advocacy: Proven commitment to the promotion of the UN sustainable development goals through Model UN.
This may apply to category A, B or C (Individual applicant, nominee, or group).
*Ideas* may include, but are not limited to, the following:
*Sustainable Development Goal Topic inclusion in your Model UN Conference.
Example: Discussing or including SDG topics at a MUN conference. Introduced fun new ways to discuss SDG’s through innovative workshops, classroom activities or new MUN committees, etc.
Conference Structure Evolution to Promote UN Values/ Sustainable Development Goals.
Example: International team, recognizable work in promoting UN values at your conference, ensured the diversity of Secretariat in nationality, geographic dispersion, culture, language spoken and gender, etc. Example: Added an "Action Committee" to Model UN Conference.
*Sustainable Development Goal Field Advocacy: Active Promotion, Awareness, Workshops, Projects/ Initiatives and Publicity Campaigns.
Examples include:
MUN club runs on-campus awareness/ publicity/ community engagement SDG’s.
Model UN club or school conducts social work in developing countries with high levels of social stratification.
Held open workshops in/by your Model UN team that explain the Sustainable Development Goals.
#MUNforClimateChange: Actively implemented an innovative idea/ project that helps MUN conferences “go green” or promote awareness on climate change.
3. MUN Reform: Proven work and commendable achievements in improving the structure, rules of procedure, culture and spirit of Model UN to accurately simulate the UN and increase its educational value.
*Ideas* may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Multilingual MUN: Recognizable work in Multilingual MUN. Applicant/ Nominee/ Team may have played a crucial role in an existing Multilingual conference, or are committed to working on a rising initiative. This may be a role in a Model UN initiative in the 6 official languages of the UN, or sign language.
UN4MUN: Recognizable work in UN4MUN. Applicant/ Nominee/ Team may have played a crucial role in an existing UN4MUN conference, or are committed to working on a rising initiative. This may be a role in a small or large UN4MUN conference or initiative that served as an inspirational contribution to the growing UN4MUN field.
Worked to increase access to Model United Nations in less fortunate areas/ schools/ rural communities, and actively assisted or supported students who would not have had access to MUN otherwise - or started (Private school + Public School) MUN cooperation initiatives.
Adapting Rules of Procedure - Encouraging Consensus: Adapted Rules of Procedure and culture of the conference to be more driven towards building agreement, cooperation, and consensus.
Created an initiative of collaboration between MUN leaders in your community or internationally.
Changed the “culture” of a Model UN conference/ club/ society in a way you believe was productive or impactful and have a story to share.
Introduced new innovative committees that capture the fun, exciting qualities that define Model UN, while also ensuring a valuable learning experience, like the Back to the Future Crisis Committee on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Added an innovative award initiative at a MUN conference that encourages the participants to think beyond the gavel. Example: MUN award on what students achieve after the conference/ an award system for proven global citizenship.
Types of Applicants:
A) Applicant: Individual applying on his/her own behalf, or on behalf of his organization.
B) Nominee: An individual nominated by another person. This can be a teacher, a founder, a team leader, a secretary-general, etc. The nominator/s must be the ones to complete all steps of the competition on this person’s behalf. Ex: submit the reports, prepare the videos, launch the publicity campaign that ensures they receive the votes).
Eligibility Criteria:
Age: Applicants/ Nominees (individual or group) must be 14 to 40 (or above).
Level: They may be students, fresh graduates or working professionals.
MUN experience: Strong experience in Model United Nations is required.
Costs: No fee is charged to apply for the Hall of Fame, but the costs of traveling to New York are individually incurred by applicants. Applicants/ Nominees must be able to incur the cost of travel and accommodation in NYC for the closing ceremony of the MUN 2017 Youth Assembly by United Ambassadors.
Preferred Skills (that could help candidates advance):
- Public speaking & presentation
- Writing and document preparation.
- Video editing, design and marketing skills.
- Creativity, networking & communication skills
- The power to inspire & persuade.
Character Skills: Passion for and strong qualification in Model United Nations. An ability to take the initiative to drive a positive MUN movement on a local scale. The faith in the value of MUN and the power of youth to become social catalysts for positive change.