Proudly Introducing:
United Ambassadors
Model United Nations Conference (UA-MUNC)
United Nations Office in Geneva, 27 November - 2 December 2019
*Hosted at the UNOG by the Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations*
Did you know that UA-MUNC offers unmatched advantages in the world of Model United Nations?
The United Ambassadors MUN Conference in Geneva (UA-MUNC) is a Model UN conference following UN4MUN Rules of Procedure that will take place in November 2019 at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva. UN4MUN is the Model UN platform, initially developed by the United Nations Department of Global Communications to provide an accurate simulation of the United Nations. Since 2017, United Ambassadors has been further developing UN4MUN. This is the sixth edition of UA-MUNC and the third in Geneva.
Here are the top 12 reasons to attend UA-MUNC Geneva.

1. The UN4MUN Revolution: Get to experience the Real United Nations, in never before offered committees.
For the first time in history, United Ambassadors is offering the world's most accurate simulation of the International Court of Justice, UN Human Rights Council, UNHCR Global Refugee Summit, ECOSOC Commission on the Status of Women, ECOSOC Commission on Science and Technology for Development, ECOSOC High-Level Political Forum, and a crisis simulation of the real UN Security Council, as well as an advanced General Assembly simulation. All committees are developed in direct consultation with relevant UN experts by graduates of the Stanford University Graduate School of Education.
UA-MUNC offers the most accurate simulation of the United Nations in the world. As a delegate, you will get to engage in a negotiation process that accurately mirrors how topics are discussed and solutions for the world's biggest problems are reached during real UN meetings. You will leave with a more realistic understanding of how multilateral diplomacy plays out in real life, (ie: how real diplomats communicate with one another), as well as and a 3-dimensional perspective of the work of the United Nations and the nature and structure of the organization. This is how you can experience the "real" United Nations through Model United Nations. Regardless of your years of MUN experience to date, if you have not yet attended a UN4MUN conference, your MUN career is missing a critical milestone and is most definitely not yet complete.
2. United Nations, Geneva.
Walk into a political and historic landmark -- The United Nations Office in Geneva, also known as the Palais Des Nations, is the second largest duty station for the United Nations. It is informally regarded by some, as the Regional European Headquarters and continues to host some of the most critical and world-renowned summits and meetings that are instrumental to the work of the United Nations. It is also a very popular conference destination, and arguably, the most prestigious conference venue in the city. UA-MUNC 2019 is taking place at the UN Office in Geneva, the International University in Geneva and the Movenpick Hotel.
3. UN4MUN Training
Delegates are invited to register to attend a supplementary comprehensive UN4MUN workshop 2 days before at the conference that will enable them to actively and successfully participate in the conference sessions. This training is not included as a part of the core conference program & requires separate registration.
4. Beautiful Geneva.
Arguably the most beautiful city in Europe; dazzling Geneva, a city that is world-renowned for breathtaking beauty, thanks to numerous lakes, rivers, mountains and all-surrounding beauty of nature. Switzerland is a country well recognized for the diversity of its population, with four national languages (German, French, Italian, Rumantsch) and various religions. Geneva is also known to be one of the safest cities in the world and a very popular international tourist destination.
5. UN Speakers.
United Ambassadors is proud to hold a strong record of notable UN speakers at its various programs and events. UA-MUNC has previously hosted various speakers including H.E Ambassador Alzaabi, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the UN in Geneva, Ms. Ms. Vicky Tennant, Special Assistant to the High Commissioner, UNHCR, Ms. Caitlin Kraft-Buchman, Founder of Women at the Table and International Gender Champions, and Mr. Amandeep Gill, Ambassador to the Conference on Disarmament. The last conference organized by UA at the United Nations in New York in 2016 hosted the Director of Outreach of the UN DPI, Mr. Maher Nasser, the UN Envoy on Youth, Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi, the President of the General Assembly, Mr. Mogens Lykkettoft, received a message from Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, as well as hosted speakers from the United Nations Academic Impact initiative, the SDG Action Campaign, among others.
Picture from the United Ambassadors MUN 2016 Youth Assembly at the UN HQ NYC.
Featuring Mr. Maher Nasser, director of outreach, UNDPI, and Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi, UN Youth Envoy.
6. Critical Theme and Engaging Topics
United Ambassadors is proud to consistently select rich academic themes and committee topics. The list of topics at UA-MUNC 2019 will offer delegates a diverse set of deep, intricate, engaging and challenging issues to resolve and ensure for an exciting 4 days of debate and negotiation, as delegates try to adopt one resolution per committee that all delegates actively contributed to.
7. Conference Awards!
Delegates have the opportunity to win one of many prestigious conference awards, including best small delegation, best large delegation, honorable mention, best position paper, and the coveted Diplomacy Award. Award winners are celebrated at the heart of the United Nations in Geneva.
8. Recognized Certification.
United Ambassadors will offer certifications to participants of UA-MUNC after the conference, to indicate that they have successfully completed one of the world's most accurate simulations of the UN. This is a valuable certification, given that United Ambassadors is pioneering the development of high-quality educational programs that accurately portray the work of the United Nations in collaboration and direct consultation with multiple UN experts.
9. Delegates can lead (and chair)!
That's right! At UA-MUNC, delegates have the say when it comes to committee flow of debate, who will become PGA and who will be their chair! Earlier registered delegates will have the opportunity to apply for General Assembly Officials elections. The results of the voting by other conference delegates could offer nominees a chance to become: President of the General Assembly (work side by side with the Secretary-General), or committee chairs, actively moderating formal, meetings and facilitating informal meetings in individual committee sessions.
10. Anyone can apply!
At most programs offered by United Ambassadors, most notably the flagship MUN Youth Assembly at the UN HQ in New York, a minimum of 2-3 years of MUN experience is required in order to be eligible to participate. However, at UA-MUNC Geneva, while MUN experience may be an advantage, it is not a requirement. Delegates from around the world (aged 12-29) are welcomed to an enriching educational experience, and when it comes to UN4MUN, even someone with long-term experience doing traditional MUN would still be learning new concepts! So, don't worry, almost everyone else everyone will be new at this!
11. Rewarding, challenging simulation.
The nature of the simulation strongly encourages cooperation, as opposed to competitive debate. Leave no one behind. This is very much the culture of UA-MUNC and in that sense, the culture of negotiations that take place in the real world of diplomacy, at the UN. But, don't underestimate the consensus challenge. Even though the conference does not encourage non-productive competitive debate, it does encourage consensus, which is much more challenging to reach. Consensus implies that all delegates actively participated in resolution drafting and do not have major reservations on the content of the adopted text, allowing the final resolution to be adopted without a vote. Succeeding at this challenge during the course of the 4-day simulation demands a more advanced set of skills that are also more in line with the drivers of professional success in the real world.
12. Inter-cultural dialogue and international friendships.
UA-MUNC combines intense, full-day committee sessions with an attractive social program, and various opportunities for fellow like-minded delegates coming from all corners of the world, who share an interest in global issues and a passion for the United Nations to closely interact and get to know each other on a daily basis. The conference venue, nature of the simulation, as well as the incredible diversity of staff and delegates, create a unique environment that encourages idea sharing, and the development of rapport and mutual understanding between young leaders from all around the world, who may have different backgrounds or perspectives. This is one of the core values of United Ambassadors, that made us believe in the value of Model United Nations, to begin with.

Join our conference now!
Early Registration Deadline: April 30th, 2019
Priority Registration ends: July 30th, 2019
Regular Registration Deadline: September 30th, 2019
For questions on UA-MUNC please contact uamunc-geneva@unitedambassadors.com