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United Ambassadors

MUN Youth Assembly (MUN-YA)

United Nations Headquarters in New York, 22-25 August 2017


Meet the Secretariat of MUN-YA 2017

David Rodriguez

President of the General Assembly

Nabila Elassar,

Academic Director


Secretary-General of MUN-YA 2017

Krrish Kothari,

Assistant Secretary-General for General Assembly Affairs & Conference Management

Shereen G. Eldin,

Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications & Public Information

Yash Raj Singh

Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly Affairs & Conference Management

MUN Youth Assembly Committee Secretaries

Agnese Cigliano

Committee 1: MUN for SDG Field Advocacy

Abhilasha Singh

Committee 2 - Female Empowerment 

Allen Yan,

Committee 3 - Climate Change & Social Responsibility

Mabrouk Al-Kawas

Committee 4: MUN for Global Citizenship

Maria Fernanda

Committee 4: MUN for Global Citizenship

Michael Coomber

Committee 5: MUN for Youth Development and Employment

Stafano Raimondi

Committee 6: Accurate Reflections of the United Nations in MUN

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