United Ambassadors
Model United Nations Conference (UA-MUNC)
United Nations Office in Geneva, 27 November - 2 December 2019
*Hosted at the UNOG by the Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations*
Terms and Conditions:
This page outlines the main legal terms and conditions of the United Ambassadors Model United Nations Conference in Geneva, 2019.
Please review it before completing registration.
This conference is a simulation of the United Nations, organized by United Ambassadors, also referred to as “The Organization” in this Terms and Conditions page. Delegates (students) will be role-playing as Ambassadors to the UN and attempt to discuss and find solutions to global issues currently on the UN agenda. It is an educational conference that aims to foster global awareness, global citizenship, and youth advocacy for the goals and values of the United Nations while developing critical skills like diplomacy, negotiation, public speaking, research, and a comprehensive and practical understanding of the work and decision-making process of the real United Nations. It is organized by United Ambassadors, an international educational organization based in New York that holds programs around the world in partnership with UN Offices and Diplomatic Missions.
Disclaimer: According to the United Nations legal regulations, United Nations Member States and the UN Secretariat have priority use of all United Nations conference rooms. As a result, should an emergency meeting be required on our conference dates, UA-MUNC plenary sessions will be shifted to an alternate venue, either inside or outside of the UN HQ (alternate conference room at the UN, or local conference facilities, or hotels).
1. Eligibility:
United Ambassadors MUN Conference welcomes youth/ students between the age of 14 and 29 from North America, Europe, the Middle East, the GCC, Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Australia who have experience in Model UN, or wish to develop their skills, and demonstrate an interest in international relations and in learning about the real United Nations.
Delegates must be enrolled in a high school, university, grad school, or be a recent graduate under the age of 29.
Interested participants who have graduated from university, or are above 29, are welcome to attend as observers.
The secretariat will be conducting a screening of applications before acceptance.
High school and university level committees are merged, to provide a higher educational value to all participants.
University delegates may register as part of a group or as an individual. High school delegates may register as part of a group or as an individual as long as they have a teacher or a parent as a chaperone.
United Ambassadors welcomes teachers, conference organizers and MUN advisors who have a role in planning and organizing a MUN conference to attend the UN4MUN workshop as participants and the UA-MUNC conference as observers.
2. Registration Deadlines and Conference Dates.
All registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Early registration period ends on the 30th of April, 2019. Priority registration period is 1st May 2019 to 30th July 2019.
Regular Registration period is July 31st - September 30th, 2019.
Late registration period will only be open is there are remaining seats available at the conference, which has limited capacity at the UN venue. Once maximum capacity is reached, Delegates will be able to register to be placed on a waitlist.
The Conference Dates: 27-28 November 2019: UN4MUN Workshop -- 29 November - 2 December 2019: UA-MUNC Geneva (Model UN Conference).
The conference venue includes the International University in Geneva, the Movenpick Hotel, Geneve, and the United Nations Office in Geneva.
Disclaimer: The opening/ closing ceremony tentatively planned to take place at the UN Office in Geneva may be moved to another location in the unlikely case that the rooms are being used by the United Nations at the day and time.
Registration fees are for cost recovery of conference-related expenses, including staffing, flights for UN officials and organizational staff, training costs, educational program costs, hotel conference room costs, hotel accommodation for staff, conference services, hard material produced for registered participants, and more.
Free registration for the plenaries held at the UNOG is available upon availability.
3. Registration Fees and Payment
The full amount for each individual delegate application and/ or delegation must be paid in full before the registration deadlines.
Financial scholarships are not available for this program.
All fees submitted (registration, workshop, socials and/ or accommodation) are entirely non-refundable with no exceptions under any circumstances. The organization will not change the strict No Refunds policy under any circumstances, even if requested, to maintain fairness.
The Organization, United Ambassadors does NOT charge a fee of any kind in exchange for access to United Nations facilities.
Early registration fee is $195 per participant. Regular registration fee is $245 per participant. The social package and the UN4MUN Workshop are both available to conference participants at $150 each. Discounted accommodation packages are available at partnering hotels.
Registration fees and any other fees are in exchange for services developed and offered by the organization and are used to cover the costs incurred to set up, organize and conduct the event. The non-refundable registration fees are in exchange for educational services, tangible conference material, active participation in the committee sessions, receipt of the certificate of participation, as well as various other tangible and non-tangible products and services from the organization.
Free access to only the opening/ closing ceremony held at the UN HQ may be offered to a number of guests through direct invitation, with any travel and accommodation costs incurred by the invited individuals, and the free access pass does not include the right to receive any educational training or material, country or committee assignments, participating in committee sessions, and/ or certificates of participation or conference awards.
4. Invitation Letters (Visa)
Please consider the below before applying to attend UA-MUNC.
United Ambassadors holds conferences and programs across 3 continents (USA, Switzerland, UAE). For every program, before applying, it is the applicant's sole responsibility to secure a Visa to attend the program in the host country. The organization is not responsible for securing a Visa for participants, to any of its programs. It is the responsibility of conference applicants to ensure that they fulfill all Visa requirements to the Swiss Embassy before they complete registration to UA-MUNC.
Upon request, successful registrants who have completed payment will be issued a Letter of Invitation from United Ambassadors stating the status of their participation at UA-MUNC Geneva after a background check.
Registrants may use the Letter of Invitation in their visa application process. While the organization may issue invitation letters to the Conference, it cannot and does not guarantee that the Swiss Government will grant the Visa and/ or guarantee their entry into the country of the conference venue. Conference invitation letters are only supplementary documents. If the applicant does not qualify for a tourist visa, the invitation letter cannot change or impact the visa application results.
Disclaimer: All fees are non-refundable under any circumstances, and it is the participant's responsibility to secure the necessary documentation to enter the Swiss Federation or the country of the conference venue. This may include and is not limited to: the flight ticket booking, the hotel booking confirmation, proof of student status, proof of employment, bank account size and details, history of travel, proof of marital status, other residencies/ citizenships, and more. United Ambassadors is not responsible for individually contacting embassies on behalf of conference applicants. In the case of Visa application denial, United Ambassadors cannot interfere on the applicant's behalf and cannot issue refunds on the premise of Visa rejection.
Please consider the above before applying to attend UA-MUNC.
5. Certificates of Participation and Conference Awards
Certificates of participation will only be issued to delegates, observers and/ or participants who have successfully attended and actively participated in at least 80% of the conference and committee sessions. Delegates who miss more than 20% of the conference cannot and shall not be eligible to receive a certificate of participation. Certificates will be handed out physically on the last day of committee sessions.
Conference Awards may only be granted to officially registered delegates of the conference who have attended all sessions and proven outstanding participation and positive contribution to the discourse of the conference, They are handed out during the closing ceremony at the United Nations.
6. Privacy, Footage, and Intellectual Property
United Ambassadors reserves the right to utilize all data submitted by applicants and to collect data in various forms. Any participant of the conference automatically agrees that pictures or videos may be taken of them at any time during the conference and social events without limitations. The organization reserves the right to edit or publish footage during or after the conference at any point in time on any platform without prior notice. This footage may not be requested by participants and cannot be shared without official publication authorization from the organization.
Intellectual Property: Any and all content, educational material, information, booklets, training manuals, guides, conference publications, presentations, videos, background guides and/ or any form of original, copyrighted material or information derived from this conference is the sole exclusive intellectual property of United Ambassadors, and it may not be shared, disseminated, transmitted, copied, edited, or distributed or used by other conferences under any circumstances, as they are legally owned exclusive property of United Ambassadors.
The Organization reserves the right to make updates or changes to this website and the information contained within without prior notice.
6. Liability Waiver
Conference participants are responsible for their own safety at all times. High school students or minors attending the conference must be accompanied by an adviser/ adult chaperone to be responsible for their safety. The Organization is not accountable for the supervision of minors and does not accept any liability in that regard.
Any form of damage to property, inside or outside of the UN and the hotel, at any point in time, is strictly prohibited, those responsible will be solely responsible for damage compensation, and the organization shall not accept responsibility for it.
The organization is legally separate from the content of any discussions that take place within the committees and/ or any views, statements, or anything else expressed by any participant at any point in time.
The Organization is not responsible for valuables or personal belongings lost/ left in conference venue, social and cultural events venues or buses and delegates are responsible for
The UN Pass and a valid government-issued photo ID is needed at the time of entry to the United Nations. Delegates must be in compliance with UN Security screening requirements. In case of the loss or misplacement of a United Nations Security Pass, the organization cannot and shall not replace it under any circumstances, and the participant will no longer be able to enter the United Nations or conference facilities or participate in future sessions of the conference.
7. Code of Conduct
United Ambassadors is responsible for guaranteeing a diplomatic and respectful environment during all the days of the Conference, from Committee sessions to social and cultural events. Participants agree to accept and abide by the Code of Conduct dictated by the Organizing Team.
Registrants hereby certify that all information submitted during the application process is truthful and accurate. Any falsification of information or impersonation is considered a legal violation.
The use of national flags is prohibited during the conference, even if they represent the country assigned to participants.
The dress code of UA-MUNC is formal western business attire as per official policy. Participants are requested to observe formal attire during all the Conference. National or traditional attire is allowed as long as it respects the formality of the event.
The official and only language of the MUN Youth Assembly is English and there are no committees conducted in any other language. Delegates must be able to participate in English language.
Any delegates selected to give speeches from a UN podium or any granted awards are to be determined by the organization and the organizing team and the decisions are not negotiable.
Diplomacy and decorum are critical throughout the conference at all times inside and outside of committee Delegate and participant code of conduct is expected to be of the highest professional and ethical standard at all times. Mutual respect for peers, staff, guests and all participants is required throughout the experience. Staff code of conduct is expected to be of the highest and strictest professional and ethical standard at all times and to positively reflect on the Organization. Failure to comply with the established code of conduct or any damage to the Organization resulting from said non-compliance can and shall result in proportional professional and/ or legal reprehension. Any content, educational material, footage or any form of information derived from this conference is the sole intellectual property of the Organization and may not be transmitted, copied, edited, or distributed under any circumstances.
No plagiarism is tolerated while submitting position papers or drafting resolutions.
Participants consuming or in possession of alcohol and/or any form of intoxicating drugs/ illicit substances will be immediately suspended from current and future editions of UA-MUNC.
The Organization reserves the right to deny a registration application, and/ or dismiss any delegate from the conference at any point in time before, or during the conference due to lack of compliance with the code of conduct and with no reimbursement or prior warning.
Final Reminders:
• All fees are non-refundable with no exceptions. No scholarships are available.
• Invitation letters can only be sent after completed registration including payment, in order to substantiate the purpose of the invitation letter.
For any further questions on terms and conditions, please contact: legal@unitedambassadors.com