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Proudly Introducing:
United Ambassadors

Global Online Model United Nations Conference

UAMUNC GLOBAL 2022 (2).png

5-13 November 2022


​UA-MUNC Global is a pioneering international MUN conference that offers the most realistic simulation of the United Nations as it follows real UN Rules of Procedure. Delegates gain an opportunity to learn how international diplomacy plays out in real life while engaging with UN staff members, education experts, and experienced MUN staff. Delegates from all around the world are welcome to participate in a world-class MUN experience, now available online.


The UA-MUN Training Workshop is a hands-on, comprehensive training institute designed for students hoping to deeply understand how the United Nations functions, and how various decision-making bodies in the UN system operate. The curriculum covers the General Assembly, Security Council, International Court of Justice, Commission on the Status of Women, Human Rights Council, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and the Economic and Social Council. â€‹It will be offered on the weekend before UA-MUNC and is a highly recommended resource for delegates. â€‹Read more about UN4MUN, the Rules of Procedure upon which UA-MUN is based here and here


Schedule Breakdown: 

  • 5-6 November 2022 (Sat-Sun): UA-MUN Training Workshop

  • 10-13 November 2022 (Thurs-Sun): UA-MUNC Global


​The academic theme of UA-MUNC Global 2022 is

"Building back better: Global strategies for effective post-pandemic recovery for the sustainable development goals."


Get the best of UA, from home: UA-MUNC Global will use industry-leading ed-tech tools and online learning platforms to ensure that every moment of the conference is fun, exciting, and engaging for delegates, all while they access it from the comfort of their home.


UAs' academic curriculum was developed by Stanford certified educators in direct consultation with UN experts, and it continuously evolves to keep up with the latest trends in international diplomacy. At UA-MUNC, delegates experience the dynamics of global politics and gain a deeper understanding of UN decision-making in a fast-paced and fun-packed environment. 


Leadership development: Delegates actively collaborate with students from around the world who share a similar passion for creating positive change and having an impact while analyzing the world's most pressing issues. Through this process, participants develop essential skills including communication, critical thinking, teamwork, consensus-building, public speaking, research, debate, negotiation., writing, and collaborative problem-solving. We believe these leadership skills critical can propel success in college, career, and beyond.



Conference Details:




  • The General Assembly High-Level Summit on COVID-19

Nations United: Global action to advance the sustainable development goals and bridge the inequity gap in a post-pandemic receiver era. Human Rights. Climate Change. Education. Healthcare. Gender Equality. Economic Development.

  • The General Assembly 

Global commitments to take immediate action against climate change. 

  • The General Assembly Third Committee: Social, Cultural, & Humanitarian:

Strategies to ensure the prioritization of mental health in global public health policies and support grassroots social movements to tackle the stigma around mental health.

  • The Security Council

The situation in Palestine. Immediate action to protect children in armed conflict amidst a surge in a public health crisis.

  • The Security Council

The situation in Ukraine. Urgent measures to provide emergency relief to children, families and victims.

  • The Human Rights Council

The digital divide and increasing inequities as a human rights challenge due to COVID-19. Strategies to ensure equitable access to quality education, reliable healthcare, and sustainable employment in the post-pandemic recovery era. 

  • The World Health Organization: 

Strategies to support equitable access to healthcare for the world’s most vulnerable populations amidst rising infection rates. Effective policies to address persistent resistance to the vaccine, and COVID conspiracy theories.

  • The Commission on the Status of Women:

Actionable strategies to ensure women have equal rights & access to leadership positions in governments, parliaments, and high-paying jobs. Addressing the gender pay gap. Putting an end to violence against women, everywhere.


Registration Details for UA-MUNC Global and the UA-MUN Workshop:


  • Early Registration for UA-MUNC is $109 per delegate

  • Early Registration for the UA-MUN Workshop is $89 per delegate

  • Regular Registration for UA-MUNC is $149 per delegate

  • Regular Registration for the UA-MUN Workshop is $129 per delegate

  • Partial and full scholarships are available for both the UA-MUN workshop and UA-MUNC Global. 



*Registration and scholarship application coming soon*​

This is a highly recommended video by the United Nations, which inspired the theme of our conference:

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