UA-MUNC Report of the General Assembly's First Committee
As the representative of the Republic of South Africa, it was truly my pleasure to have had the opportunity to serve as a chair for the...
UA-MUNC Report of the General Assembly's Second Committee
The General Assembly Second Committee's topic was taking immediate, effective action against Climate Change while addressing the threat...
UA-MUNC Report of High School Security Council
Director, Philippe Chabaneix, and Presidents, Shaikha Alsalman and Shamma Alattar, had the pleasure of staffing the High School Security...
UA-MUNC Report of General Assembly High-Level Summits on the Rights of Refugees and Migrants
The General Assembly High-Level summits on the Rights of Refugees and Migrants took place under a supervision of Chair Mr. Sereyrath Seng...
Secrets to Running Great MUN Sessions
A big number of MUNs around the world follow the simple form of delegates applying, being informed of their respective case, delegation...