UA-MUNC Report of the General Assembly's Second Committee

The General Assembly Second Committee's topic was taking immediate, effective action against Climate Change while addressing the threat it poses to Sustainable Global Development.
The Secretary of General Assembly Second Committee was Allen Yan, and the Chair was Yusif Suleymanov.
During the sessions, the main areas of discussions were discussing the Sustainable Development Goals, stabilizing the general conflicted case, and making sure that all the delegates reach new ideas-based points of agreements.
Generally, the delegates were working very hard and efficiently together. They all were involved in the discussions, and a big number of them brought up bright ideas for the resolutions. In total, 3 draft resolutions were made. Some of the important points in the resolutions were firstly creating an international code, and secondly putting a lot of effort on infrastructure. The delegates were able to tackle 15 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 37 sub-goals. In the third and last draft resolution, the delegates managed to reach consensus and agree on the resolution as a whole during the last session.
As a chair, I had a lot of fun in this conference! This was one of my biggest accomplishments in life yet, and I had the best fun possible! I met a lot of new friends, who are very nice and smart. I think the delegates had a lot of fun during the conference since they were very active and friendly. There was a period of time when the delegates wanted to have an extra break because it was chocolate hour in our hotel in Geneva, where they give out free Swiss chocolate. We did not let them; however, our dear secretary, Allen brought chocolate for all of the delegates!
This was a great experience for me and for everyone in the conference. I encourage all MUNers, regardless of their age, or their experience, to try UN4MUN, because it is the most accurate simulation of the real UN.
I advise all the future delegates and chairs to be confident and relaxed, because even if they make mistakes, they will learn from them and be better in the next occasions.
Yusif Suleymanov,
The Chair of the General Assembly Second Committee.