Success Story from Kuwait! KILS
My name is Wadha aldabous and I started my MUN experience as a high school sophomore. Today I'm in my sophomore year of collage at Kuwait university, collage of law. I've been a delegate, a chair, an executive, and a Deputy Secretary General and, have attended more than 15 national and international conferences and I've won awards locally and internationally.
I had the pleasure of attending a full day training by UNITED AMBASSADORS in October 2015 before attending my first UN4MUN conference at the UN HQ, New York. Being a law student, I had background information on the UN, its procedure and distribution of power. However, I found the exercises and the comparisons between MUN , UN4MUN and the real UN in the UA training and after attending a UN4MUN conference extremely informative and very useful.

I had still never truly realized the difference between real UN and the Model UN that we had been pursuing as an activity.
As varied an experience I gained in my 5 year MUN career to date; and despite having done North American, THIMUN style and Model Government Europe;
Now that I have a back ground on the differences, I can face my position as Deputy Secratary-General of the first Bi lingual, international university level, conference in Kuwait and one of the few internationally more prepared and more knowledgeable.
Furthermore, I now have more in depth knowledge of the UN as Arsenal to help me prepare to pursue a career in diplomacy and international relations in the future.