Success Story from Canada - MUN 2016 Assembly UN HQ NYC - Micheal Antifaoff
My name is Micheal Antifaoff, and I participated in the MUN 2016 Youth Assembly at the UN in New York representing my high school, MacLachlan College, Canada. I am fifteen years old, and my goal at this conference was to understand how I could successfully host my own MUN. I worked with Committee B on implementing SDG 5, 10, 11, 16 and 17, and our committee had some exceptional ideas on ways to reduce inequality, as well as develop strong partnerships within the MUN community. We also discussed improving access for those with disabilities-a topic which means a lot to me personally, and which inspired me to change my planned conference venue!

I was privileged to be a part of such an extraordinary experience at the UN itself, of all places. This was my first time in New York, and spending time in ECOSOC and GA Hall was quite special. What made the event unparalled however, was all of the people who attended. Everybody at the conference went above and beyond to bring new ideas and solutions forward. All of the topics, whether discussing MMUN or how to implement the SDGs, were extremely important, and it is imperative that they continue to be discussed. The resolution reflected the collective contribution of so many young and talented people, and it represents a progressive vision of what MUN can truly be, as well as how it can change the world! Not only did I immensely enjoy the conference, but I was gifted with the opportunity to speak in GA Hall, and that was an experience like none other.
Standing up in front of General Assembly Hall, and looking at all of the faces in the audience, I was overtaken by how successful this conference really was. Not only did 200 people come together, prepared and ready, from all corners of the world, but they also all got to hear their voice heard. I believe the true success of this conference rests on two things: the resolution, and future action. The resolution was successful in ensuring everybody's voice was heard, no matter who, and it is a comprehensive, future-forward plan. But the other defining element of this conference will be action. Action is the only way that this ambitious resolution can be transformed into more than words, and action is what it will take to create positive movements within our local communities. My speech in GA Hall conveyed the importance, but also the promise of action - anything can change for the better, but only if we make it so. In the end, this conference will change the world, because every member came away with something they can do to improve their MUN.

MUN can definitely change the world. I know that because it has single-handedly changed my world, not only as a student, but as a human being. The resolution inspired me to make a few fundamental changes to my conference, which right now I am in the process of implementing. I am adding a French speaking committee to make my conference multilingual, it will be accessible to those with disabilities, and it will also serve as a platform for promoting the SDGs, and reducing inequality in all of its forms. These changes are most certainly a step in the right direction, and it is my goal to have MUN touch as many students' lives as possible. The resolution will surely inspire many others to do the same, and I hope to hear more successful conference stories from all of the delegates I met at the conference!