Success Story from Canada/Jordan- MUN 2016 Assembly UN HQ NYC - Rahaf Fasheh
My name is Rahaf Fasheh and I have been involved in various model UN conferences in both Jordan and Canada for 6 years. I had the opportunity to experience several committees including security council, ECOSOC, general assembly, and UNHRC. I applied to the United Ambassadors MUN 2016 Youth Assembly as a single delegate due to not being a part of a specific delegation at the time. Consequently, I tended to represent my university, The University of Toronto, for opening up this opportunity to me, as well as my home country Jordan. I was assigned to be apart of Commitee C in which we discussed the Sustainable Development goals regarding climate change, Sustainable Urbanization, responsible lifestyles and environmental awareness within Model UN conferences around the world.

The United Ambassadors MUN 2016 Youth Assembly has been one of the best experiences of my life. I was honored to be standing in the ECOSOC chamber and the General Assembly Hall amongst many inspirational and important figures in the United Nations. I also had the opportunity to meet with a great number of intellectual, inspiring, and informative youth world-wide, who are willing to change the world through Model UN. The conference was successful in which all the participants managed to work hand in hand to achieve a formal resolution put forth to Model UNs around the world. The topics all in all were brilliantly decided and separated amongst the committees, creating enough room for discussion and debate.
I was successful in putting forth the idea of encouraging the rise of a green Model UN Community through the implementation of an MUN Green Chart (MGC) supported by United Ambassadors to promote environmentally-friendly actions and organize environmentally-responsible MUN conferences world-wide. The idea is hopefully going to be implemented and managed by the United Ambassadors in which yearly reports are submitted to ensure the criteria for the MUN Green Chart are being met by each Model UN signatory. Due to the intensity and detail of this idea, it was not put forth as a whole in the final resolution of the conference, and hopefully will be taken up as a project on its own. I was also awarded the most outstanding idea in committee C and was honored to stand on the General Assembly podium to discuss the importance and implementation of this idea. It was an inspiring moment being recognized by the United Ambassadors and having the opportunity to share my idea to the delegates. The experience of being a part of a conference in the United Nations headquarters had felt like a dream come true.

I believe the Assembly had really opened my eyes to the power that Model UN conferences and delegates have. The conference had convinced me that MUN can really change the world one step at a time- and the resolution is without a doubt the first step. I plan on implementing the resolution to Model UN conferences found both in my University and around Toronto, and hopefully in my home country Jordan in the future. I will definitely put forth several ideas found in the resolution to the conferences I apply to and organize. I also plan on being involved with the United Ambassadors as much as possible with implementing both the resolution as a whole, and my idea of a Model UN Green Chart in particular. The United Ambassadors MUN Youth Assembly conference had definitely inspired me to do more in my community using the Sustainable Development Goals both through Model UN and throughout my daily lifestyle.