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Success story from Colombia - MUN 2016 Assembly UN HQ - RICHMUN - Laura Camila Ortiz

My name is Laura Camila Ortiz, I've been in MUN for 6 years I am from RICHMUN, the Richmond School Model United Nations in Colombia. I participated in Committee F) A Global Vision-MUN Think Thank, we discussed the rules of procedure, the awards rubric, and unification of MUN around the world among other topics.

It was such an enriching experience not only for my MUN life but for my personal life as well, discussing all of these important topics, learning more and more about the SDG´S and meeting incredible people with different points of view. The highlight of my experience was the different scenarios where we had to change our perspective, to become aware of the important role we play in society and the great responsibility we have to become citizens of the world and make a real impact among others. I felt great with the topics, I think they were necessary for the successful future of MUN worldwide and with them we were applying the "Partnership for the goals" SDG. I really enjoyed discussing about the rules of procedures, always thinking on the delegates´best interest.

I was honored to be one of the ten pre selected speakers to give a speech on the podium of the ECOSOC Chamber the first day of the event, I'd like to include a fragment of my essay that I consider sums up my message to the delegates and to the youth: " Remember: only you can know the full extent of your potential. It´s our world, it´s our future, let´s embrace it and make a real impact; let´s prove to ourselves that we have what it takes to be the future leaders of this world. We have to stop proposing and start acting. Let’s think about improvement strategies and set them in motion. Look around you, look to the person that is next to you; look at yourself. We are all responsible for making it true that these SDG in 2030 no longer exist; the decision is in our hands."

The Assembly affected me in so many positive ways, it gave me more strength and it inspired me to believe that we can actually have an effect on the future of this place we call home and there is a lot for us to do, I do think that MUN can change the world even the tiniest impact will make a difference. I plan to follow many of the points in the resolution, for example being more inclusive rather than exclusive, seek alternatives for those who have difficulties-they will NOT be left behind- implement many of the rules of procedure we determined and set the platform in motion. Because we are the voice, we have a vote and power of decision that´s why it´s our responsibility to change our future.

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