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Press Release- MUN YA 2017- DAY 3- Committee 6

24 August 2017 -In a move to continue yesterday’s efforts in by taking key steps towards MUN Reform, the distinguished delegates have undertaken the drafting of a resolution that would document their determination for a better future.

Referencing the ECOSOC resolution of the 10th of February 2017 that adopted non-governmental and intergovernmental donors that avidly contribute to the United Nations Youth Fund, the delegates began composing their own resolution’s perambulatory clauses. It is worth noting that the former (ECOSOC resolution of February 10th 2017) reiterated the importance of offering facilitations that allow youth representatives from all over the globe especially developing countries to participate in the activities of the United Nations. Additionally, it called upon the urgent need for geographical and gender balance in the representation of youth to accelerate the implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth.

The committee resolution is set to echo the significance of respecting diversity in youth representation with respect to the disabled and LGBTQ communities. Furthermore, the resolution hashed the usefulness in making multilingualism a priority to foster culture diversity and offering equal opportunities to all participants.

On another end, the paramount role the UN4MUN rules of procedure play in promoting fruitful debate through gearing the focus away from formal procedure and towards urgent points of discussion was not left out. The resolution cited UN4MUN rules as a pivotal platform in creating an inclusive and diplomatic environment for dialogue that ensures an accurate mirroring of the real United Nations.

As part of the operative action plan, the resolution alluded to the crucial need for United Nations and government funding to sponsor schools and colleges to ensure youth participation from developing countries. Likewise, it mentions the vital role of introducing suspension punishments to those who engage in discriminatory acts. It also urges all United Nations NGO partners to endorse that successful model and promote it to their participants.

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