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Success Story from the United Arab Emirates-MUN Academy Dubai 2017- Khadija Husein

My name is Khadija Husein, I am from Dubai, UAE and I am currently studying at the New Indian Model School in Dubai.

I had always wanted to join the United Nations , and coming to the MUN academy has made my goal clear . We have learnt so much about the UN and I made many new friends, I received the outstanding delegate award and I realized that MUN will not only teach you about the UN but it will prepare you for the problems that you face every day. Joining the MUN has changed my life for the better. My favorite part of the program was getting to learn about so many things that we didn't even know existed, I learned about the armed conflicts in the world and how innocent civilians and little children die every day. I loved the instructors and everyone was so welcoming, we learned about the importance of teamwork and negotiation and we learned that everyone could make a difference. I would recommend the United Ambassadors programs to others because they are so interesting and so much fun! They are very informative and I am sure that many would love to have the opportunity to attend the United Ambassadors programs.

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